AdaBoosting Learning notes
High-Level ideas
- “Wisdom of the Crowds”
- commonly use decision stump as crowd
- “Wisdom of the Weighted Crowds”
- sequential building of stumps
My understanding of AdaBoost
Motivation:Adaboost算法后的思想其实就是“三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮”,用英语来说就是”Wisdom of the Crowds”: 单独使用时表现不佳的模型在组合起来之后就可以形成强大的模型。
Decision stump: 最简单的Decision Tree,由一个decision node和两个叶子结点组成。
Weak learner/Week classifier:也就是臭皮匠,对二分类问题来说,这些分类器的效果可能就比抛硬币要好一些。在AdaBoost中通常会使用Decision stump来作为weak classifier
Three general ideas of AdaBoost:
- “Wisdom of the Crowds”: Use decision stumps as crowds to vote.
- “Wisdom of the weighted Crowds”:some stumps get more say in the final classificatin than others.
- sequential building of stumps: Each stump is made by taking the previous stump’s mistakes into account.
Boosting vs. Bagging:
- 在Bagging中, 各个模型是独立的,彼此不同,使用训练数据集的不同随机子集进行训练的。Random forest就是基于这个原则。
- 在Boosting中,各个模型的模型构建过程一个接一个地进行,模型预测的准确性影响后续模型的训练过程。
Algorithmic description of the AdaBoost
The training set is denoted as $(x_1,y_1),\dots,(x_m,y_m)$
The weight of this distribution on training example $i$ on round $t$ is denoted ,$D_t(i)$
Given: $(x_1,y_1),\dots,(x_m,y_m)$ where $x_i\in X,y_i\in Y={-1,+1}$
Initialize $D_1(i)= 1/m$.
For $t = 1, …, T$:
Train weak learner using distribution $D_t$
Get weak hypothes $h_{t}:X\rightarrow{-1,+1}$ with error
\[\epsilon_t=\Pr_{i\sim D_t}\left[h_t(x_i)\neq y_i\right].\] -
Choose $\alpha_{t}=\frac{1}{2}\ln\Big(\frac{1-\epsilon_{t}}{\epsilon_{t}}\Big).$
$D_{t+1}(i)=\frac{D_t(i)}{Z_t}\times\left{\begin{array}{ll}e^{-\alpha_t}&\textrm{if}h_t(x_i)=y_i\ e^{\alpha_t}&\textrm{if}h_t(x_i)\neq y_i\end{array}\right. \=\frac{D_{t}(i)\exp(-\alpha_{t}y_{i}h_{t}(x_{i}))}{Z_{t}}$
where $Z_{t}$ a normalization factor (chosen so that $D_t+1$ will be a distribution).
Output the final hypothesis:
$H(x)=\operatorname{sign}\left(\sum\limits_{t=1}^T\alpha_t h_t(x)\right).$
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